For a person to have good moral character is a prerequisite in various applications, whether for school, jobs, or membership in prestigious associations. A good moral character also comes into play in immigration, particularly in applications for naturalization to become a U.S. citizen.

In the context of immigration matters, having good moral character may be defined differently than it is in other settings.

What is Good Moral Character in Immigration?

The definition of good moral character in immigration can be deciphered from the questions in a naturalization form or N-400. In the relevant section, immigration asks questions such as:

  • Have you always filed your taxes on time?
  • Have you paid your alimony?
  • Do you owe child support?
  • Do you have overdue taxes?

The applicant’s responses to these questions and other similar inquiries will help immigration determine if they are of good moral character.

Examples of Red Flags About an Applicant’s Good Moral Character

An applicant’s history can say a lot about their character, and any questionable records can become red flags for immigration.

For example, multiple traffic violations show that a person does not have regard for the law and lacks respect for traffic rules and regulations. Having immigration violations can also lead to the finding that the applicant does not have good moral character.

Being a prerequisite to a successful naturalization case, establishing good moral character is of vital importance. Before a person fills up an application form, they must make sure that they can show they are of good moral character.