If you have a two-year green card, it means you are a conditional resident of the United States. Let's talk about how to turn that conditional resident card into a permanent resident card.

Turning your conditional resident card into a permanent green card

The petition that you will need to file is typically called the I741 petition. It removes conditions on residents and it is for someone who received a two-year green card based on marriage to a US citizen. After 1 year and 9 months, you need to get ready to file the next case, the I751.

What you have to show to immigration

At this point, you have to show immigration that you are still married to the same person, still living in the same home together, and that you have plenty of joint documents, photographs, and affidavits to show immigration that you still have a Bona Fide relationship.

If you are no longer together

If something has happened before it is time to file this case and the marriage has broken down, you still need to file form I751. You still need to remove the conditions on your residence. But if you are no longer married or if you’re separated, you need to file for a waiver instead of filing it jointly with your spouse. So you will be filing form I751 on your own. You will probably need to show evidence of the Bona Fide relationship. There may also be some other selections based on your situation and why you are no longer married.

If you have any questions, please let us know.